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Captain Brown Suite

Captain Eric “Winkle” Brown was one of the most celebrated British Spitfire pilots during WWII, and later a test pilot with record for the most aircraft carrier landings in history. The movements that comprise the suite were individually written for the Spitfire Audio string libraries as demonstration pieces, and the story of Captain Brown became a starting point, exploring their potential as if accompanying a fictitious scenario the real Captain Brown might have found himself in.

‘In The Deepening South’ – String Quartet

This string quartet was written for the Lyric quartet and premiered by them in 1994 at the Southbank centre in London. The title refers to the cultural evolution in Australia and the work draws from the idiomatic musical language that characterizes much of Australian original music.


Written for the Sunmusic new music group in 1996 and is an exploration of folk influences. For recorder, guitar, cello and violin, it was especially written with the talents of the recorder player Jo Dudley in mind, who is not only a virtuoso but also has an extraordinary range of modern techniques at her command.

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